Defy Diabetes and Lose Weight Now!

Having diabetes is confusing, at times complex and overwhelming!
Sometimes, you need a coach, a plan, and some motivation to help you get to where you want to go.
My online Defy Diabetes Now health coaching program helps type 2 diabetic women lose weight , take control of their blood sugars and defy diabetes!

If you're ready to lose weight, keep it off, and start defying diabetes, you are in the right place.

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Who is Online Coaching For?

Are you sick and tired of trying different low sugar recipes but still not losing weight?

Do you struggle to stay away from sweets and desserts?

Are you finding it difficult to change your habits?

Are you confused about what you can and can't eat? 


I help diabetic women to transform their lives with personalised 1:1 guidance, structure, and support with a diet (and fitness) program based on 5 simple habits that defy diabetes now.

What Does Online Coaching Entail?

Track 1: One to One Coaching

We start with a detailed review of your Health History (your diabetes story to date), and your current eating habits and meal choices over a 1 hour online consultation

I will then create a completely customised 6-month program for you with weekly (in the first month) and fortnightly coaching calls thereafter

You will have ongoing text access to me when questions arise about exercise, your nutrition plan, eating out, blood sugar etc., or sharing successes!

You will get membership of my private facebook group with weekly Q & A and group coaching sessions

Track 2: Group Coaching

We start with a detailed review of your Health History (your diabetes story to date), and your current eating habits and meal choices over a 1 hour online consultation

Weekly group coaching sessions, focussing on key themes such as carbohydrates, what to eat, why insulin makes us fat etc. Note: groups are limited to 5 participants

Ongoing text access when questions arise about workouts, your nutrition plan, eating out, etc., or sharing successes!

Membership of my private facebook group with weekly Q & A and group coaching sessions

Schedule a call to find out if  coaching is right for you

Schedule a call